• I want to just have a normal life. A wife, a house, Yellow Dog, as American films.

    - Labrador - I say.

    - Labrador. I'm running away from my own country before the Islamic Shithead, and here we all are afraid that I am an Islamist, and they set fire to Europe. I'm going to Sweden, there is still, and I want tranquility. That is to say - he says - I hope I'm going to Sweden. "

    And there is a problem. Fleeing from war, but instead of enjoying that hit the area safe, they want straight away to Germany or Sweden counting on the "American dream". Hungarians angry Serbs were ok, but I do not even crossed my mind to stay with them. Instead they appreciate that they came to a place where it is peaceful yet already they want more. They want to. And someone told them that everything must be earned? They can count on the free gifts of German and Swedish governments, not coincidentally countries known to be high socjalu?

    PS escape from Islamists to ... Sweden? Of Sweden, which is one of the most popular European countries for the Islamists? Interesting ... Just little in the logiki.Niestety to insensitive racists and xenophobes none of it and so does not arrive. They will still write about nasty US and international finansistach, frighten the wild hordes flood and the end of our world and our civilization. Unfortunately, it is a matter of sensitivity or lack thereof. Someone who is devoid of any feelings of empathy no rational arguments do not convince, because he is not thinking rationally. He is guided only by their phobias and prejudices.

    The good news is that according to recent studies, most Poles are favorable to immigrants. This is not just a word for all kinds of forums or social media, where it reigns supreme hysteria and phobia. By the way, interesting sociological and psychological issue. Why is the Internet so there are only active men full of prejudice and hatred? Why is this minority sets the tone for public debate?

    PO politicians behavior only confirmed what I knew always that the party is only a milder variation of the same formation as the PiS. The presentation by the media of both formations, as extremely different is not serious. Both parties are terribly smug and conservative. Today we can clearly see the lack of a strong formation in Poland leftist and conservative, but in the Western civilized release.

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  • What is the share of Hungary and the responsibility of Hungary for a scene which globliści unleashed in the Middle East.

    What is the participation of Polish and other countries in the brawl and crime.

    Accepting the conditions that Poland imposes a loss of globalism is proof of ability to distinguish between actions undertaken in their own interests from actions taken in the interest of the colonizer. Poland "exports" of young people to work hard in the west of the EU, and is forced to accept people from outside, which must be taken to maintain, because they were the first few years for anything, not suitable. They do not know the language, some can not even count, they have no professional training.

    So in practice Polish business done with the EU?

    Poles emigrated to Western Europe can not be compared to the scandal which planted the Global banksterzy Europe. This morning I spoke on the radio that the wife of Ferenc Gyuercsanya was Keleti and met with families who spent a fortune to buy a ticket and was not allowed to train. They went to the cashier to get the money, it turned out that they can draw up to 3,000 forints (about 10 euro), as someone wants more of it you have to go to the board the station. They went to the board, and there they gave to fill out a form several pages in Hungarian, then dealt to 30 days and as przyslługuje send Cashes return it to your bank account or to a Hungarian address. After this information the family wept and everyone departed with tears in his eyes. The next day the local station (MAV) abolished the withdrawal limit at ticket counters and can return Dowon amount for unused tickets.

    Everything is reportedly on Facebook at p. Klara Dobrev (wife of former Prime Minister)

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